DTN structure

Members of Dutch Thrombosis Network consist of thrombosis specialists, working in academic hospitals and non-academic (teaching) hospitals, general practitioners from (academic) primary care networks, thrombosis nurses and basic thrombosis researchers. This infrastructure allows for an environment of strong collaborations and innovative solutions embedded in primary and (academic) hospital care.

This Dutch example of embedding thrombosis research, education and knowledge transfer to both general practitioners working in the community and (academic) thrombosis specialists is unique worldwide and thereby may allow for a learning experience for the increasing number of countries with similar healthcare systems.



Dutch Thrombosis Network



Prof. dr. M.V. Huisman - chair

LUMC, department of Thrombosis Hemostasis

PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden



Prof. dr. S. Middeldorp - chair

AMC, department of Vascular Medicine

PO Box 22660, 1100 DD Amsterdam



Dr. G.J. Geersing - secretary

UMC Utrecht, Julius Centrum

PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht



Mw. M.D. Doop-Hamer - management assistant

LUMC, department of Medicine

PO Box  9600, 2300 RC Leiden

E-mail: info@dutchthrombosisnetwork.org